The Maze Coral (Platygyra) is a unique and fascinating LPS (Large Polyp Stony) coral, known for its intricate, maze-like skeletal structure. The coral's surface features a series of deep, winding grooves that resemble a labyrinth or maze, giving it a distinct and visually captivating appearance. Maze corals can come in various colorations, often displaying shades of green, brown, yellow, or orange, with some species having vibrant, fluorescent hues when illuminated with proper lighting.
Maze Corals are relatively hardy, but they still require stable water conditions to thrive. They prefer moderate to strong lighting and moderate water flow. Due to their large polyps, Maze Corals do well in aquariums with a good amount of light but should be placed in an area where they are not subjected to direct, intense lighting, as this can lead to stress or bleaching. They are also sensitive to high water movement, so they should be placed in locations with gentle to moderate water flow.
Being an LPS coral, the Maze Coral has a hard skeleton and large, fleshy polyps, and it can grow relatively slowly. However, with proper care, it will expand over time, gradually filling out its space with its intricate maze-like structure. It's important to note that like other LPS corals, the Maze Coral can produce stinging tentacles, so it should be placed away from other corals that may be sensitive to its aggressiveness.
Overall, the Maze Coral is a beautiful addition to reef tanks, adding texture and color to your aquascape. With consistent care and proper water conditions, it can become a stunning focal point in your tank.
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SKU: cor54
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